Create a Table - Cell Properties

  1. To format individual cells:

    1. Place the mouse pointer in a cell.

    2. Click on the right mouse button.
      The Right Click Pop-Up menu is displayed.

    3. Click on Table Cell Properties.
      The Cell Properties box is displayed.

      You can use the Edit menu to also access Cell Properties.

    4. To stretch the cell over two or more rows or columns, type a number in the Row Span or Column Span box.

      Column 1, Row 1 - Column Span=2Column 2
      Row Span=2
      Row 2

      To combine or merge two cells after a table has been created, select Merge Cell with Next on the Table sub menu of the Insert menu.

    5. To add a background color:
      1. Click on the Pick button
        The Color Pallet box is displayed.
      2. Click on the color or mix the custom color that you want to use.
        The color is displayed in the Color/Solid box.
      3. Click on OK to return to the Cell Properties box.

        Cell Width
        Cell Width

    6. To increase or decrease the size of the cell, set the Width of the cell in either percent or pixel values. Example: The first cell in the table above has a width of 50%; the second cell is set at 25%.

    7. To set the Vertical Alignment for the cell, click on Top, Middle or Bottom.

      Top Vertical Alignment Middle Vertical Alignment Bottom Vertical Alignment

    8. To set the Horizontal Alignment for the cell, click on Left, Middle or Right

      Left Horizontal Alignment Middle Horizontal Alignment Right Horizontal Alignment

    9. Click on OK.
      The cell displays the color, alignments and width selected.

    Sample Table: Table has three columns and three rows.
    Heading Row 1 - Column Span = 2 Heading Row 1
    Row Span = 2
    Row 2: Column 1 Column 2: Row Span =2
    Row 3: Column 1Row 3: Column 3

  2. Internet Explorer

    Internet Explorer's Cell Properties lets you add border colors, cell colors (same as Navigator) and background images.

    1. To add border colors:
      1. Click on the View menu and select View as Microsoft Internet Explorer.
        The Microsoft Internet Explorer preview window is displayed.
      2. In a table cell, use the Edit menu or Right Click Pop-Up menu to select Cell Properties.
      3. Select Both to add color to all of the borders of a cell.
        See Cell 1 in the example below.
      4. Select Light to add color to the right and bottom sides of the cell.
        See Cell 2 in the example below.
      5. Select Dark to add color to the left and top sides of the cell.
        See Cell 3 in the example below.
        Cell 4 displays both Dark and Light properties.

    2. To add backbround image or color:
      1. In the image box, type in the *.gif or *.jpg file name or use the Browse button to search your hard drive or network for the image file.
      2. Click on OK.
        The image is repeated throughout the cell.
        See Cell 5 in the example below.

    3. To add a cell background color:
      1. Click on the Pick button
        The Color Pallet box is displayed.
      2. Click on the color or mix the custom color that you want to use.
        The color is displayed in the Color/Solid box.
      3. Click on OK to return to the Cell Properties box.
      4. Click on OK.
        The cell displays the image or color selected.


  3. A table usually begins with a top header row, which describes the contents of each column.

    To create a header cell:

    1. Place the mouse pointer in a cell.

    2. Click on the right mouse button.
      The Right Click Pop-Up menu is displayed.

    3. Click on Table Cell Properties.
      The Cell Properties box is displayed.

      You can use the Edit menu to also access Cell Properties.

    4. In the Cell Properties box, click on the "Cell is a header, with bold text" box.

    5. Follow the instructions in Step I to format the heading cells.

    6. Click OK.
      The text in the cell is bold and aligned as you set above.

      Table cells can contain images, text, lists, horizontal rules and other tables.

  4. To edit or change any of the table or cell properties:

    Click on the Right Click Pop-Up menu or use the Edit menu to access Table Properties and Cell Properties.

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